
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 100

Is it possible? 

What will the mind be like during and after the retreat? 

How will the Ego enjoy the ride? 

Is one strong enough for something like that?

Of course it is possible... Everything is...

Constant battle... Always trying to get back in the driver seat... 

Ego is definitely weaker... Still present, but weaker...

One who is in contact with true self is more than strong enough... 

Thank you....

                                                                     Dr Cartman

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 99

One more day...

Nothing special...

Am I different...? No...

Changes...? No...

One more day...

Best thing I have ever done...

Am I different...? Most definitely in many ways...

Changes...? Absolutely...

The final outcome is nothing... Nothing special... The journey was priceless...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 95

10:00 AM

Again throw away your preception its wrong most of the time... You think you know...? You have no idea... Intuition...? You just have that feeling that you trust, you have that 6th sense...? No you don't... Its all your mind riding you... You are just a horse, we all are...

2:00 PM

Attitude, attitude, attitude... You hear it all the time, you read about it everywhere... Everything starts with your atitude. When your attitude is positive, hungry, fearless you are limitless. Absolutely limitless...
On the other everything ends with the attitude. If your attitude is negative, lazy, scared the ending comes soon, and usually you don't get the second chance. You become absolutely limited...
I can write about this the next 1000 days, this same thing over and over again, we would still take the bad attitude once a problem arises... We wouldn't even notice it, we would be too busy blaming others for their bad attitudes...
Change you attitude and change your life... Or enjoy your suffering...

11:00 PM

Good class today... Energy... 95 classes in the books... Throw away your perception and check your attitude...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 94

Live One Day At The Time...

* void negative sources, people, places & habits 
* elieve in yourself
* onsider things from every angle
* on’t give up and don’t give in
* verything you’re looking for lies behind the mask you wear
* amily & friends are hidden treasures, seek them & enjoy             their riches
* ive more than you planned to
* ang on to your dreams
* f opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door
* udge your success by what you had to give up in order to            get it
* eep trying no matter how hard it seems
* ove yourself
* ake it happen
* ever lie, cheat or steal
* pen your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values
*ractice makes perfect
* uality not quantity in anything you do
* emember that silence is sometimes the best answer
* top procrastinating
* ake control of your own destiny
* nderstand yourself in order to better understand others
* isualize it
* hen you lose, don’t lose the lesson
*cellence in all your efforts
* ou are unique nothing can replace you
* ero in on your target & go for it

And make it a masterpiece...

                                                                                    Dalai Lama  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 93

10:00 AM

                 "All that we are is the result of what we have thought..."


All of it... The good and the bad... What you think is how you act, how you feel, how you react... You think, you are...

However, at the same time you are not what you think you are. You are not your thoughts... Your thoughts will shape up your reality, guide your life in this or that direction, but your are not those thoughts. One should not identify with the thoughts and the voices in the head. They don't have anything to do with real you.
If you have visions, if you are ready to jump and keep the positive thinking while you are wondering in the unknown world, you will have everything you want. There is nothing you can't have... Those positive thoughts will shape up everything for you, and paint the picture you have in your head. Success... Health... Love...
On the other side, if you are afraid, if negative thoughts dominate your head, they will shape you up as well, and paint the picture that you don't want. Failure... Suffering... Sickness...
In reality you are none of this... You are not success and you are not failure... Thoughts affect your life, they guide your life, but they don't touch you. Real you is always the same, real you is the ocean. Everything else is just the surface. When you really think about it, deeply think about it, if one can turn off the radio in the head for one minute, turn off the ego, turn of everything for just one minute, what would we be like...? Living in a million dollar house, or in a shelter...? Driving a Bentley or riding a bike...? Having family or not...? Being in love or not...? Would any of it really matter...?
It doesn't... You have it all, great... You have nothing, also great... Inner happiness...

2:00 PM

Great class today... 93rd class, and a breakthrough in one of the postures. It was more of a mental breakthrough than a physical one. Went to a place that I have never been before, and was able to relax in it...
93 classes in a row, mental breakthrough, great... 93 classes in a row, no improvement at all, great... Is there a difference...?

11:00 PM

A week left...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 92

Nothing to say... The best way to communicate... 92 classes... Exhale...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 91

One day two buddhist monks were returning to their monastery silently. Watching their thoughts, watching each step and witnessing everything.

A small river used to flow close to their monastery. Walking slowly, meditatively they came across the river. There was no boat men in the river. 

Instead of boatmen, one beautiful young lady was waiting for the boat man to cross the river. The Sun was about to set and darkness was spreading its kingdom.

They waited for some time for the boat men and eventually decided to cross the river on their own. One monk who was Young carried the lady on his shoulder and three of them crossed the river. On other side of river, lady thanked the monks and went on her way and two monk started moving towards their monastery meditatively.

Meditation the very breath of their all actions. After some time Old monk broke the silence "I will tell everything to the master..."
The Young Monk asked surprisingly "What will you tell to master...?"

Old Monk said " You are spoiled, you have carried the woman on your shoulders, its sin to touch a woman for a monk..."

Young Monk replied "I had dropped the woman at river bank only, but you are still carrying her in your head..." 

What are you carrying...? Just drop it at the river bank, and move on...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 90

10:00 AM

     "The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations.”

No expectation...

No mind...

No small I...

Only true self...

2:00 PM

                                      "Wrestle less, dance more..."

Great quote I heard in class today. That's exactly what we do, we wrestle with life... We don't know how to ease into it, we just don't know how to dance... Most of the time we are so caught up in wrestling that we don't even hear the music playing. All the obstacles in your life are nothing else but music. Music you need to hear, music you need to learn how to dance to in order to go forward. Some songs you will like, and some you will dislike, but your dancing never stops. Wrestling the songs that you don't like will not turn them into good songs. They will stay the same, but your ability to hear is going to fade. The more you wrestle, the less music you hear.  Soon your life will stop being a music hall, and it will become a ring... Once it becomes a ring, than it is not life anymore. It becomes something with no name, something with no sound, it becomes a room with no windows...
Open up... Hear the sounds... Let yourself go, and dance... Just dance... Music will always follow, with all your favourite songs...

11:00 PM

I have ten days left... Ten days... It feels like I started last week... 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 89


Twists and turns... You just have to love life... People say life is though... Bulls***t, life is great. If you live it, if you really live it, it is great. Of course, if you are weak, scared, not willing to walk the unknown than it is tough... Predictable... Boring...
However, if you are willing to jump into the unknown, if you are able to stand against the wind and smile, life is phenomenal. So unpredictable, one never really knows what is behind the corner... And if you keep your eyes open corners are everywhere. The beauty of it is that things happen when you least expect it. Just when you think you are this and that, your life is this and that, you turn the corner and you find out that none of it is as you thought it is. You are not as you thought you are... You realize that you are really not in control... You are floating... Twisting and turning... It scares you, but you love it... You love every minute of it...

2:00 PM

Live it like a butterfly... He only gets a week or two to live. When you look at it deeply, your life is the same. At the end, your life will seem as it went by in a week or two... Don't waist time, live it... You might not get another chance, so use this one to the fullest...
A butterfly doesn't think, judge, envy, worry... He doesn't have time, he only has two weeks. He is here only for one reason, and that is to live. To live the best he can for the time he is here. Not to judge, worry, think. To live... Why is the butterfly so beautiful...? Because he only has a week or two. There are no clouds surrounding him, there is no suffering. There is only now, only this moment, moment after moment, until it is over...
Butterflies in your stomach... We all love it... Why...? Because when you feel it, there is no time, no worry, no thoughts, no suffering... Only butterflies... We love them because when we have them we are living... We love them because at that time we become a butterfly... Then those two weeks become a lifetime...

11:00 PM

89 days... Rolling...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 88

10:00 AM

"The difference between
a flower and a weed
is a judgement..."

2:00 PM

"Don't believe what your eyes are telling you.
All they show is limitation.
Look with your understanding,
find out what you already know,
and you'll see the way to fly..."

11:00 PM

"One new perception,
one fresh thought,
one act of surrender,
one change of heart,
one leap of faith,
can change your life forever..."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 87

This journey really is the best thing I could have done... Battles, challenges, repetition, my mind, me... I do have to say that major changes occurred within myself in these 87 days... I never look back, so it seems that nothing much has changed, but when I do turn around I see it... Major changes, really...
However, this journey is just a stepping stone. This is where I am right now, I feel fully equipped to embark on a new journey. These 100 days are the foundation of my house of challenges. Now I am on to my next one. A higher one, deeper, longer... Its a whole year challenge. I am not going to say what it is, because labelling it would only ruin it. Just a challenge. I do know one thing, if these 100 days gave me this much, the next 365 days will give me the world... Guaranteed...
April 8 is when I begin... A journey within a journey... Like inception... I have my foundation, my basement, now its time to build the house... It will take a year to build it. But its going to be some house... Limitless house...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 86

10:00 AM

"What you are shouts so loudly in my ears that I cannot hear what you say..."


What is primary in life, in one's behaviour...? We have it backwards, not wrong, but backwards... Positive thinking, education, human relations, speech, motivation, right living... A lot of people put great emphasis on these strategies, and they should, because they are very beneficial, in fact most of the time they are essential for success. No mistake about it... However, we are making a mistake because we think that this is primary in our life. It is great, by all means, but it is secondary... Secondary greatness...
Primary is who you are... What you really are is what shouts louder than anything you say or do. The character is primary, your true self, the inside. We use right speech, right motivation, compassion, love.We observe our thoughts and habitual way of life. Follow the breath...
Who...? Who is the observer...? What is that "thing" following the breath...? Zen masters say you step outside of yourself and you see yourself in a different light. Who steps out of the self...? This is primary... This is the answer to everything...

2:00 PM

Don't perceive... Just don't... It's not what it looks like... You don't know... You just think you do...

11:00 PM

86 days... 86 classes... 86 battles one...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 85

10:00 AM

Reality is what we take to be true. 
What we take to be true is what we believe. 
What we believe is based upon our perceptions. 
What we perceive depends upon what we look for. 
What we look for depends upon what we think. 
What we think depends upon what we perceive. 
What we perceive determines what we believe. 
What we believe determines what we take to be true. 
What we take to be true is our reality.

                                                                         ~ Gary Zukav ~

Perception... So tricky, one has to be really careful with it. Our perception is never really correct, but we rely on it heavily. Another automatic thing that we do, like a reflex. Whatever we see, whoever we encounter, we make perceptions of, without even knowing that we do it. That's our starting point, we don't know how to act if we don't have our own perception of something. It is closely connected with our habitual role playing. Once we meet someone, we perceive him or her, and we think that we know what this person is about. Then we act accordingly...
Most of the time our perception is wrong... Then our act is wrong as well... Then we suffer... Simple...

2:00 PM

Life is the movie you see
through your own unique eyes.
It makes little difference
what's happening out there.
It's how you take it
that counts.

                                                          Dr Dennis Waitley

Fantastic quote... It is just a movie, nothing more. Outside has no weight in our life, the only reason why it does is because we don't realize that we are in the movie. The question is not what is going on in your life, the real question is what is your reaction to what is going on in your life... It is hard, no doubt about it, but you really get to choose... Well then choose...

11:00 PM

This doesn't feel like a journey anymore... It feels like a part of my life... A way of life...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 84

10:00 AM                                                                       MM

" No one is born with any kind of talent and, therefore,  every skill has to be acquired"

                                                                                        Ayn Rand

We are all the same... All one... The difference is in what seeds inside of us we water every day. Every skill has to be acquired... Our inner self is like a rich soil, full of different seeds, waiting to be watered, waiting to become a skill, a habit, behaviour, an asset or an obstacle. From birth we start to water our seeds, some we water ourselves, some are watered by our parents, some by environment, society, people... Then we are who we are. That part is true...
The part that is not true, is the one that we believe that this is who I am and I can't change, it's just me... Everything changes, so do you. Again, it all starts with the seeds that you water. If you commit to watering the seeds of love, compassion, bravery, eventually the seeds of anger, jealousy, and fear will start fading away, back into the deep parts of your inner self. Become determined to water the seeds of knowledge, success, wealth, than the seeds of ignorance, failure, and struggle will fade...
It really is all up to you... Start watering...

2:00 PM

How hard is it to pay attention... To focus on the moment, to hear, to see, to smell... I think it is possibly the most difficult thing for a human to do. The mind is just too strong, and it is extremely hard to keep it quiet. You have the intention, you try and try, 10 000 times, but before you know it, the mind is talking... Sometimes you will not even notice that your focus is fading, the mind talk is so natural and normal to us, that we actually feel weird when we do pay attention.
However, the beauty is in the trying... Even if it last for a few seconds, that pause in the thinking is priceless. You can feel all the potential in that moment. You can see that there is nothing but happiness, real happiness, inside this world. When in this world, one doesn't complain and suffer, one accepts. In this world one doesn't worry, one just does... Its a simple world, it doesn't lack anything. Its too bad it only last 3 seconds...

11:00 PM

16 days left... Good class today... Even with a few pauses...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 83

10:00 AM

Again, if you are true to the best that is in you, everything and everybody is on your side. It will all line up for you somehow. It really does... At first, it looks like you are never going to make it, then you can see it happening, but you are not sure if you can really pull it through. Neverthless, you continue forward, towards your destination and the destination will open up for you. The meeting will be postponed giving you enough time to make it, you will receive help when you most needed. Even on my journey its lining up. Running late to class, can' miss it because its the only time in a day I can do it, 100 days in a row totally in jeopardy... I arrive to the studio late, and the teacher start the class a few minutes later so I can make it...Usually when you are late they start the class and you get in. I didn't think, didn't calculate if I can make it on time, how bad the traffic to the studio will be. I just drove to the studio and tried my best to make it on time. And it all opened up for me... It lined up when I needed it the most... It always does...

2:00 PM

"Creation occurs only in the present..."

Yes, only in the present. When the mind is quiet, attention fixed on the present moment, only smelling, looking and listening... Nothing else... This is the moment where you create, this is the moment that will get you a lot closer to your final destination. All the great minds came up with historic inventions when they were fully in the present moment. Just taking a bath, just getting hit in the head by the fallen apple, just sitting under the Bodhi tree... Great inventions, ideas and teaching, were born in these moments...
When you are fully in the present, your brain is working on the higher level, you notice things that you never notice before, you actually live a life for the first time... Any problems you have, any new ideas and directions you need, you will easily solve if you reside in the present. Staying nice and calm, just breathing... Keeping your vision and your goals close. Just see around you, hear, smell, feel... Live and create... You will never fail, remember, there is no limit... You can reach the sky if you want to, so go and reach it. Quit wasting time...


Day 83... I liked it...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 82


    Limitless... We are limitless... Open you eyes...