10:00 AM
Class number 37 almost didn't happen today. I walked into the studio at the last moment. That would be something, because I had things to do after the class, so I wouldn't be able to take a later one. My journey almost interrupted... Class was solid, I guess. Nothing special, considering the fact that I had to rush through everything. It really makes a difference showing up early for a class, taking time to get ready, spending some time in the yoga room before the class begins, relaxing into the mat and the floor. If you arrive early, you have time to make the class into an experience, not just a workout. Leave all your problems, meetings, errands, stress, outside the door. Once in the room, turn inward. Focus only on the self, the mat and the floor under you. Feel yourself becoming more grounded and relaxed. Breathe and connect... Devote those 90 minutes only to your true self... Make a vow to yourself that the breath will be the only thing existing in the room... Then when the teacher comes in, just get up and flow....
What is the most important thing in life? Health...? Happiness...? Family...? All of these things are a vital part of one's life. Still, there is one thing that top all of them... VISION... Life is all about different visions. Whatever our visions are, that's what our life is...
You can do everything... Everything is possible. There is no limit to what you can do. Only if you are able to visualize it. To see it before it actually happens. If you can feel your vision in your being, as if it's already here, it will manifest in your life. Guaranteed... Perfect relationship, family, happiness, health, visualize all these as being perfect and that's what they will be. House, job, money, cars, again visualize like you already have them all, feel them in your hands, generate the feeling as if you have it all, and they will also manifest in your life... Tune in on the desired frequency, and just be patient...
What is the worst thing you can do in life...? One thing that destroys it all... More powerful than the strongest vision... DOUBT... It is so strong that most of the time we are not even aware of it. We will doubt something or somebody and won't even know we are doing it. Doubt is the main reason why we are not reaching any goal we can think of... You can be the president of the country. However, you are not... The first reason is that you don't have a vision to be one, and the second reason is that you highly doubt that you could ever be the president. You want something, visualize it.... Feel it... And its yours.... As soon as you let that voice of doubt in, the vision is over. It will never happen... Most of the time you will not even try it. It will just stay as " I wish I have..." or " If only I..."
Open yourself to the universe and visualize with full heart... Visualize so strong and pure, that doubt will have no room to enter... Don't ask how and when, just visualize... And be patient...
11:00 PM
Another day... 63 left... Painful knees and lower back. Embrace it, and go to class. Don't let bad knees and lower back become your vision. Don't doubt your perfection. Embrace it... Because that's what you are. Perfect...
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