10:00 AM
Waking up before sunrise. Way before the sunrise... There is something powerful in that. Not only the fact that we are more productive, more energized and disciplined, it just feels right. The absence of sounds and light, gives a unique feeling... You can actually hear and see your inner self much easier than during the day. You really feel like there is nothing, and nobody, else out there... Lots of us wake up early for different reasons. We go to work, we have babies, go to school, etc... How many of us actually wake up before sunrise just to be awake...? To sit on the floor...? To breathe... Not very many. Whenever I ask someone why not wake up early, the answer is usually " Why would I do that for...? There is nothing to do at 6 in the morning..."
Exactly... Nothing to do. However, there is one thing you can do. Nothing... Whenever you feel like there is nothing to do, do just that, nothing. Try to do nothing for a change and see where it takes you. Be with yourself, be present and do nothing. We have too much "something" in our lives. We need more of nothing...
2:00 PM
Water and air... This is what one really needs. Not houses, cars, money, wife, husband... Just water and air... I mean if you can have all those material things, by all means have them. Use your potential and make millions if you can. Why not, if you have the ability, do it... Nevertheless, if you don't have all of them, don't kill yourself about it. Don't feel unfulfilled because you don't have the money, the cars, the houses... Having them or not, in reality is the same thing. Your true self doesn't even know about material world. Doesn't really care... You have a big house, great cars, wife, husband, family, wealth, that's great. Good for you, keep it going. You don't have any of it, also great. Good for you, keep it going. No problem...
Once you find yourself in a heated yoga room, you will quickly realize things that you really need. Water and air... Every time a teacher opens the door of the yoga room, to cool the room down, the fresh air rushes in covering your whole body like an ocean. The air feels like the best thing you have ever experienced. It gives you instant, new power. In a second or two, you feel so energized, that you could do another class. The fresh air fills every part of your body, and gives you the feeling that thousand cars and houses couldn't give... The same is with water. Every time you drink, new energy rushes in. The water fuels your body and you brain as well. It tastes better than anything you have ever tasted before...
You need air and water. If you don't have it, then you have a problem. That is the real problem. They refresh your body, sharpen your focus, your determination. They give you life... Life is what you need...
11:00 PM
Learned a lot today... In all areas of life. I made a step forward, and not a small one. I can feel it... And it is only the beginning...
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