
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 67

10:00 AM

"Although you eliminated your old cravings sounds like you've already developed new ones... Try not to crave projections of what you think the future holds... This journey will end of course, as all things do, but there's no reason to crave or resist... Enjoy day 67 and forget about what has come and what will..."

Interesting comment by my anonymous friend. Very well said... However, in this case, I think she/he misunderstood my last post. I eliminated my old cravings, but it seems like I developed new ones...? It seems like we are talking about yoga and the journey as a craving here. Now, if yoga and this journey become my cravings, comparing it to the old ones I had, I am golden... But that's not the point, nor the case here. I did say that I am going to miss this journey once it ends. I am going to miss it, but I don't care about it. Like I said I don't care about yoga... This journey, this power of 100, is not about yoga. It is a 100 day yoga retreat, but its not about yoga at all. It is not about the journey either... Both are not important at all, but at the same time they are. 
I love yoga practice, its terrific, but I can easily go without taking another yoga class to the rest of my life. My journey is not about yoga, not about the journey... It is about the railway track...
When you are in the train, if you look outside the scenery is constantly changing. Every time we look outside of our train, there is something different out there. Always changing... Nevertheless, if we look down in front of the train, all we see is the railway track. It is always the same, the same width, same shape, never change... If the track becomes wider or narrower at some point, our train is headed for a disaster. We never look at the railway track, but it is the most important part of our train ride. It keeps us going, and gets us to where we are headed. Never changes... It keeps repeating over and over... 
REPETITION... This is what this journey is all about, repetition. Only through repetition, one can achieve higher things. It doesn't matter that I am doing yoga every day, it could have been 100 days of walking, 100 days of sitting in the chair, 100 days of bowing... What matters is the repetition, constant tuning of our engine. Taking control of your life, controlling the mind, eliminating cravings, it is all accomplished through repetition. What actual practice we are using is less important. The scenery outside our train window can be anything, as long as the railway track is there...

2:00 PM

Interesting class today. On my way to the studio I was ready to roll, full of energy. Then, as soon as I walked into the studio it was all gone. I didn't want to be there, had no energy and desire for the class. Despite the feeling, I was on the mat at 9.30, not ready to go, sore from the day before, but still going. Breathing, focusing, stretching, balancing... One side of my mind was screaming: " This is such a waste of time, my effort is garbage..." At the same time, the other side of the mind was just whispering: "It is just fine, your postures and effort are no different than yesterday..." The debate went on for the majority of the class, and on the end when I looked back I did well. I struggled through it, my mind didn't want to be there, but I danced through it with my head up....
The scenery was terrible in the studio today, but the railway track was ever present. I was able to ignore my surroundings, keep my eyes off the windows, and solely focus on the tracks under me. The railway track is the only thing that matters... The only real thing on this journey... 

11:00 PM

"Enjoy day 67 and forget about what has come and what will..." That's exactly right my anonymous friend... That's exactly what needs to be done, day in and day out... Thank you

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