
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 89


Twists and turns... You just have to love life... People say life is though... Bulls***t, life is great. If you live it, if you really live it, it is great. Of course, if you are weak, scared, not willing to walk the unknown than it is tough... Predictable... Boring...
However, if you are willing to jump into the unknown, if you are able to stand against the wind and smile, life is phenomenal. So unpredictable, one never really knows what is behind the corner... And if you keep your eyes open corners are everywhere. The beauty of it is that things happen when you least expect it. Just when you think you are this and that, your life is this and that, you turn the corner and you find out that none of it is as you thought it is. You are not as you thought you are... You realize that you are really not in control... You are floating... Twisting and turning... It scares you, but you love it... You love every minute of it...

2:00 PM

Live it like a butterfly... He only gets a week or two to live. When you look at it deeply, your life is the same. At the end, your life will seem as it went by in a week or two... Don't waist time, live it... You might not get another chance, so use this one to the fullest...
A butterfly doesn't think, judge, envy, worry... He doesn't have time, he only has two weeks. He is here only for one reason, and that is to live. To live the best he can for the time he is here. Not to judge, worry, think. To live... Why is the butterfly so beautiful...? Because he only has a week or two. There are no clouds surrounding him, there is no suffering. There is only now, only this moment, moment after moment, until it is over...
Butterflies in your stomach... We all love it... Why...? Because when you feel it, there is no time, no worry, no thoughts, no suffering... Only butterflies... We love them because when we have them we are living... We love them because at that time we become a butterfly... Then those two weeks become a lifetime...

11:00 PM

89 days... Rolling...

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