
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 60

10:00 AM

Day 60... Total body transformation, as well as the spirit, according to yoga teachers. Of course, that is the first question everyone will ask me: "How is it after 60 days, is it really life changing...?" No it is not. At the same time, yes it is...
Everyone always want a drastic change. We want a change that is visible from a mile away. If we think that a change like that is possible, then we embark on the journey. Anything less we don't think its worth it. So when someone says that 60 days of yoga will transform your body and spirit, we automatically think that the transformation will be visible from a mile away. The changes we look for, the drastic changes, they only happen in the outside world. Buy a new big house, a new car, change your appearance, loose a lot of weight... Drastic changes, on the outside... Can you call any of these a transformation...?
In the world within changes occur a lot slower. Most of the time it feels like we are not moving at all, like there is no change. It can take a few life times to achieve inner transformation. Small baby steps, small baby changes... The transformation are so small that you don't even notice. You would notice, if your mind was quiet... Nevertheless, those small tiny changes have a bigger effect on your life than any house, car or weight loss. One is more tolerant, just a little bit more... Things that used to bother you, are not all that important now. Things you say are just a little more mindful, your actions are more mindful. Your lifestyle is just a bit healthier, discipline a bit stronger, breath a bit longer... Small changes, hardly visible if your mind is in control... But, they are CHANGES... And they are transforming your life as we speak...

2:00 PM

Pull out your weeds... We all have weeds inside. We have beautiful plants, flowers, but we also have weeds. In order to get closer to our true self, in order to be in the driver seat, we need to pull the weeds out. Once they are gone, it is all flowers... However, once you pull them out, do not throw them away, don't just get rid of them. We need those weeds more than we need flowers. Keep them close to you, take care of them like a mother takes care of her newborn. The weeds are your ticket to enlightenment. Flowers are nice, they feel good, but they don't really get you anywhere. Of course, they give you more flowers in life, but they don't really point you in the right direction. Weeds pave the road for you, they are your true mirror, a mirror that you can't escape from. You can try to forget about it, to push it deep inside, but we all know it will never go away. It will stay buried, dormant, until the next time we get into the same situation. And then it will spring up with full force... Can't escape the mirror...
If you take time and embrace your weeds, look into them deeply, transformation is happening. You are taking those little baby steps forward, those baby changes are happening... Once you contemplate and analyze your weeds, learn from them, then they will dry out, and you can throw them away. They served their higher purpose... They served YOU...

11:00 PM

60 days completed... I am a new man from now on... I should change my name and everything. Total transformation, body and mind... Right, if it was only that easy... I know one thing though, I am making those baby steps... Baby changes...

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